to import certificate
- 1)
Click to download the webservice
Note: Import the certificate into the Java
Store if you are using JAVA version 7 or below.
2) Make sure you have write access to your JRE and use the
keytool utility to import it:
keytool -import -alias alias
-keystore path-to-jre/lib/security/cacerts -file
path-to-certificate-file Example: keytool -import -alias sunas
-keystore /opt/jdk1.6/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file
3) You will be prompted for the keystore password, which is
by default changeit.
4) Also, when you connect to the server make sure you use
the same name as the one set as the Subject in the certificate. You
may need to add it to your host file if the server isn't reachable
using this name, which may be the case for a development/production